Kick-Off Lutheran Schools Week
January 26, 12 - 2 PM

"Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. I tell you the truth, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a child will never enter it." And he took the children in his arms, put his hands on them and blessed them.
Mark 10:14-16
Our Story
Peace Lutheran Elementary School started in the fall of 2016 with Kindergarten. Our Early Childhood Center began in 1998 with 20 children. It was always the goal to start an Elementary School. In fact, we seriously looked into the issue in 1997 prior to the opening of the Early Childhood Center.
Our Elementary School follows all the academic standards set by the State of South Dakota. Our teachers are State Certified, and our curriculum for the basic subjects follows the standards set by the South Dakota Department of Education. We also have weekly classes in music and art.
Or School emphasizes:
(1) faith based education with daily Bible time, and weekly chapel services,
(2) individualized education with small interactive class sizes, and
(3) experiential learning where we go on field trips several times a month.
Peace Elementary is one of 880 schools operated by churches of the Lutheran Church- Missouri Synod. Lutheran Education shares Christ's love through the interaction of students, teachers, and families. It differs from public school in that the focus is also on our God who created and sustains the world; on Christ Jesus who saved us through his death and resurrection; and on the Holy Spirit who creates and keeps us in the one true faith.

Meet the Staff

K-3rd Lead Teacher
Sandy Tjaden
Mrs. Tjaden joined the staff at Peace Lutheran in August, 2022. She earned her elementary education degree at Winona State University, Winona, Minnesota and has a Masters in Early Childhood Special Education from Fort Hays State University, Hays, Kansas. Mrs. Tjaden has worked in the field of education for 41 years. Prior to coming to Brookings she taught Early Childhood Special Education in Southeast Minnesota. Teaching children from the Christian perspective and guiding them along in their faith is a bonus here at Peace Lutheran. Mrs. Tjaden and her husband Marv have 2 grown daughters. One daughter is here in Brookings with her husband and sons. Being closer to those grandsons is a delightful part of moving to Brookings! Our other daughter and her husband live in Prescott, WI. When she is not working here at Peace, Mrs. Tjaden enjoys riding her bicycle, taking nature hikes, and reading books. During the winter she also enjoys gliding across the snow on her cross-country skis.

Tuition and Enrollment
Elementary School
Peace Lutheran School admits students of any race, color, national and ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, programs, and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the school. It does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national and ethnic origin in administration of its educational policies, enrollment policies, athletic policies, and other school-administered programs.
Before and After School Care
Parents desiring to enroll their child are requested to schedule an appointment with a member of the school administration. The goal of the meeting is to get to know each other and to talk through the purpose of the school.
Children can either bring lunch from home or have what is being served in the Early Childhood Center (for an extra charge).
Childcare is available from 7:00-8:30 am and 3:30-6:00 pm. Before and After School Care follows the same policies as the Early Childhood Center in terms of calendars, cancellation days, etc.
Monthly tuition is $335 (Sept-May).
How long has Peace Lutheran School been operating?
The school opened in 2016. Lutheran schools have been offering excellence in Christian education in the United States since 1847.
Do you have to be a member of Peace Lutheran Church to attend the school?
No, you do not have to be a member of Peace Lutheran Church; however, worship attendance is encouraged either at Peace or your own church.
What grade levels are offered at Peace Lutheran School?
Peace offers Kindergarten through Grade 3. Children must be five years old by Sept 1 to enter kindergarten.
What hours is school in session?
School begins each day at 8:30am and dismissal is at 3:30pm.
Is Peace Lutheran School accredited?
Peace Lutheran Elementary School is accredited with the State of South Dakota.
What curriculum is used?
Our Elementary School follows all the academic standards set by the State of South Dakota. Our teachers are State Certified, and our curricula for the basic subjects follows the standards set by the South Dakota Department of Education. We also have weekly classes in music and art.
Are field trips offered?
Field trips are offered multiple times a month.
Do you have a hot lunch program?
We offer daily hot lunch program (for additional cost) and meals are prepared in our school kitchen. Children have the option to bring a lunch from home if they would like.
Does Peace Lutheran School offer before- and after-school care?
Peace offers before-school care starting at 7:00am on school days, and after-school care is available until 6:00pm.